January 2023 Haikus

January 1, 2023

Rang in the New Year

Dexter pokes me around six

Sleep deprived am I

January 2, 2023

Christmas tree carcass

Greeting me before the dawn

Clear sign it’s over

January 3, 2023

Work thoughts on my mind

Tossed and turned all through the night

Coming back is hard

January 4, 2023

Called Finnigan’s Wake

Time to celebrate fifty

Just three weeks to go

January 5, 2023

Sam now with Irish

Will miss him dressed as a Deac

Transfer portal grief

January 6, 2023

Two years ago it was

When will justice ever come?

Merrick indict him.

January 7, 2023

Pizza with Katie

Game night plays out in her house

Not a sleepover

January 8, 2023

Green car pulls away

Dreary rain the companion

Emptiness inside

January 9, 2023

Georgia wins the game

Wasn’t even close for long

Turned it off in fact

January 10, 2023

Blood drawn through the vein

Pajama pants my attire

Remote work is king

January 11, 2023

Meds need to increase

Levels aren’t where they should be

No more shaking please

January 12, 2023

Flashes in the night

Rumble comes behind each flash

Summer is that you?

January 13, 2023

Pizza, my good friend

We often meet this same time

Worse ways to be fed

January 14, 2023

Meeting the first time

Over a meal and some drinks

Hope all had some fun

January 15, 2023

Twenty-seven points

In the end were not enough

Sad I turned it off

January 16, 2023

A glimpse of old times

Unwrapped much like a present

Nice to have them home

January 17, 2023

Forced to stay awake

Sleep will be my friend again

Once we can make up

January 18, 2023

Deacons beat Clemson

Not much of a surprise though

Home court advantage

January 19, 2023

Doldrums of winter

Numb me almost to a sleep

It gets dark too soon

January 20, 2023

Week comes to an end

Fifty looms within the next

Celebrate I will

January 21, 2023

Red-shouldered hawk cries

Echo in the morning sky

Great start to the day

January 22, 2023

Sky cries before dawn

Tears that strike me as I walk

No joy to be found

January 23, 2023

Heart’s just not in it

Trading each day for money

But what choice is there?

January 24, 2023

Red picnic table

With a broken, busted seat

Memory fills me

January 25, 2023

Celebrate the birth

Every lap around the sun

Today is the day

January 26, 2023

Today is her day

Our ages again resynced

Always older though

January 27, 2023

Uzi Garcia

His Father’s pain on display

Enough is Enough

January 28, 2023

Orange hue creeps in

Taking away the blackness

Giving back to blue

January 29, 2023

Recover I must

After the joy of last night

Going to need time

January 30, 2023

Carolina Wren

Song hangs in the morning air

Raises my spirits

January 31, 2023

Oh January

Tip-toeing away I see

I hardly knew you