
I tried capturing my sentiment of today poetically at first in my daily haiku. While there will be a reflection there once I publish February’s haiku set in a few days, I also found the need to expand beyond what I could express in that format so I offer another poem that emerged today.

Time is the victor in all things.

Our existence temporally bound by a relative scale of our own design;

Yet, it wouldn’t really matter if we even stopped keeping score.

The end is always the same; time always wins.

Slowly robbing us of what ironically seems limitless in a way;

But only because of the secret the future reveals

Only when the game is truly over.

We can add temporary cages in an attempt to contain it:

Days, Weeks, Months, Years

Much like the Quarters, Periods, Halves do in more literal games.

All we know for sure is all games will someday be over regardless of their cage.

We will build these cages mostly as a means of adding perspective,

Giving relativity to elements of the past which will echo at times in the present.

Fainter sounds each time perhaps, but time makes sure to help us sort them.

Don’t mistake this as an act of charity; time is a cruel opponent.

These echoes are there to torment at times;

Showing just how much time has already managed to take from us during the game.

Our daily looks into the mirror don’t seem to be enough

Except perhaps on ones that sear memories into a new cage;

An echo for time to use as a new card to play.

Even if the card reflects a treasure that we are happy to see dealt again;

Time knows it too will add some level of torment;

As we reflect on the chasm that is now between.

These chasms are constantly widening,

Requiring a longer bridge to span them;

Awareness of this dual effect;

Another subtle jab from the smug opponent.

We have no choice but to keep playing.

We know that the outcome of the game is already decided.

We know our opponent will continue to take and take from us;

Despite times we are happy to accept what might have been given in return.

We have only one tool against a deck stacked against us:

Adding cards to that stacked deck.

A card or better yet, multiple cards being added;

For each one of our daily mirror looks.

Find more reasons to say yes than excuses to say no.

Take no opportunity for granted.

Turn down the volume of the dissonant echoes;

Turn up and sing in harmony with those that bring consonance.

Treat each day as a treasure just in case it ends up being the last.

Watch your opponent’s smug expression change;

As the power to dictate the game is tugged from them.

The chasms will still be there and grow;

There will be more bridges to maintain.

Their sheer number may help take the sting out of the longer ones;

When there are plenty of shorter ones right along side.

Some cards will still be added that we would prefer not be.

Yet adding more with purpose and intent;

Makes strides toward at least a fairer trade.

Our opponent will remain undefeated;

Our opponent will eventually win my game.

My chips were already all-in at the moment of my first breath.

I’m going to smile as often as I can from here on out;

Adding as many cards as I can

No matter when that last card is finally dealt.